
"Hazzards of Work" Mar. 2010

Original photo from a zoo in Thailand - Summer 08'
Painted on: 30" x 48" canvas
Materials: spray paint, stencil

"Estimated 800"

There is an estimated 800 pieces, and took me about 20 hours to complete.

Hand cut
Mounted on: 24" x 30" mounting board, in a 24" x 30" frame
materials: cherry wood paper

"Design 10A"

The design was originally for my first art project for Design 10A class - Santa Monica College.

Hand cut
Mounted on: 10" x 13" bristol paper, in a 15 1/2" x 19 1/2 " frame
Materials: walnut and cherry paper, gouache water color


Painted on: 24" x 48" canvas
Materials: spray paint, stencil

"The Huddle"

Manta Ray design
"Office Art" series
Hand cut
Mounted on: 6" x 6" bristol paper, in 6" x 6" frames
Materials: walnut paper, gouache water color (pride edition only)

A tribute to Randy Marsh


Painted on: 24" x 30" canvas
Materials: spray paint, stencils

"Late to the Meeting" Jan. 2010

Manta Ray design
"Office Art" series
Hand Cut
Mounted on: 16" x 20" Bristol paper, in a 16" x 20" frame
Materials: walnut paper

"Two Pods, One Pea"

"Office Art" series
Hand cut
Mounted on: 3" x 3" bristol paper, in a 15" x 15" frame
Materials: filing folder

"Bush" Jan. 2010

"Office Art" series
Hand cut
Mounted on: 7 1/2" x9 1/2" bristol paper, in a 14 1/2" x 17 1/2" frame
Materials: filing folders, walnut paper

"Doin' Work"

...throwin' it down for Los Angeles!!

Painted on: 11" x 14" canvas
Materials: spray paint, stencil

"Untitled" circa Sep. 2008

One of my first stencils.

Panted on: 12" x 16" canvas
Materials: spray paint, stencil